Monday, November 30, 2009

Calling for snow tonight!

I might be running in some snow tomorrow. They are calling for 2-4 inches of wet slushy snow.

I did some abs, chest and legs tonight. I'm trying to get a grasp on my zone diet. Pretzel sticks and pie are sitting there and so far my will power has held up.

Good game between the Saints and Patriots especially with Brady throwing a early interception.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Bills squish the fish!!

Great game today with some great wny weather. I just finished up a 10 miler on the treadmill which gives me 50 for the week. I have say it's probably the easiest 50 mile week I've ever done.
Time to shower and get to bed because the long weekend is over.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Lazy Saturday

Today I was pretty lazy with anything physical. I did 4 miles on the treadmill to give me a even 40 so far. I did about a hour of stretching .
Some good football games to watch today. Tim Tebow's last regular season game and Syracuse's Ron Paulus looks like he might have flourished if he went the football route. Notre Dame and Stanford are really throwing and running the ball.
I have to wake up tomorrow and know that in 90 days I'll be attempting the most challenging event I've ever done. Complete dedication to finish the Beast of Burden.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Day after Turkey day marathon training run.

Today I was expecting some minor pain and stiffness and I have none. Well I guess I have no more than usual for my 51 + year old body. I should expect some pain from the 26+ miles but the kicker was the sprint we did 2 miles from our finish. My buddy Sam asked if I was ready to pick it up. I grunted and off we went that lead to sub 7 min/mile pace as far as I could carry it.

That was probably the first time I had done anything at that pace since I had my calf and soleus injury. That injury started Feb. 3rd and actually lasted until June 13th when I finally did my first pain free 10 miler. So I was expecting some pain today.

One thing that was pretty scary was while running we saw numerous deer hunters along the towpath. I read in the paper that a errant shot emptied a swimming pool right in the same vicinity we were running.

I'll probably go out for a few miles tomorrow.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

This morning I was just warming up on the treadmill when my cell rang. It was my buddy Sam calling to see if I wanted to do one loop of his race "Beast of Burden" which I am attempting the 100 miler. One loop is 25 miles.
I met him at the start and off we went. We encountered some hunters about 8 miles into the run. They were just inches off the towpath surface and we could see others circling this open field. We were hoping the deer they were after didn't decide to head in our direction.. This even made Superman Sam nervous. We survived and had a decent run that gave me a better idea about the 100 miler.
I try and pick Sam's mind on anything to do with Ultra's. I realize I haven't been putting enough effort in my race nutrition. I'll be tweaking this on all my long runs until I get it right.
I ate way to much dinner and I'm falling asleep as I type. I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Time to stretch.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Long weekend is here!!

Yesterday I did 10 on the treadmill in my garage in t-shirt & shorts with the fan blowing on high. I better get used to running in the cold.

My legs have had no ill effects from doing overhead lunges. I find these do not kill my shoulders like the overhead squat. I have no flexiblity in my upper or lower body. This has always been a problem.

tonight I'll just do some bi's and tri's with abs and stretching

I plan on running 20-25 miles tomorrow at a nice slow pace.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Beast of Burden, Winter 100
Our first hometown ultra put on by triple ironman Sam Pasceri. You can sign up for the 100 or the 24 hour race. You have to run at least 50 miles of the 24 hour race to earn a metal.

Today = rest

I did another 10 miles yesterday to give me 35 for the week. Weather was awesome! The Bills lost again in the 4th quarter.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Running with deer hunters

I did a nice and easy 10 miler heading east on the towpath into the country. Today is the opening day of deer hunting. I spotted a few hunters in their orange suits pushing the tree line about 20-30 feet away. I'm sure most of them are responsible hunters but I get nervous when I see kids carrying guns bigger than themselves.

Shooting for 35 miles this week and another 10 tomorrow and I'll haave my goal.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Going to the Sabres game tonight. Tomorrow's run should be a 10 miler.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Treadmill running tonight

I did a nice boring 10 miler on the treadmill. The problem with running on the treadmill is that the workouts always turn in to tempo runs. I reach a point when I just want to get the workout over with so I keep cranking the speed.

Favorite song tonight was Filter's "Take a picture".

100 days till The Beast of Burden 100. I want to attempt the 100 but have my doubts I can get the required mileage. The other option is 24 hours.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

First blog!

I received my Marathon Maniac bumper stickers today. I'm offically a bronze member for doing my 3 Ultra's in 70 days.