Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Under 60 days to go!

Today I got my full winter running gear on with all my liquids and food to get ready to head down to the towpath. One block away from my house and I apply the brakes they kind of sink down and the brake light comes on. I take it over to my brother inlaws shop to be repaired and now I have to run on my trusty treadmill.

I was going to try and tackle a full loop and test out my footing with the current snowfall. I'm sure the yak traxs would have come into play. My Ice Bugs should be here any day now. Google IceBug shoes and see how these may help with the Beast.

Yesterday I did a 15 miler on the treadmill with some good tempo running. I found out that enabling the caption on the tv made it more enjoyable without the volume blasting.

So now I'll end this to get my ass on the treadmill. I'm already 1 1/2 hours behind schedule.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

62 days till!!

This week WNY has had quite the variety of weather. The beginning of the week we saw snow with winds, followed by pouring rain and just cold temps. We have actually lucked out with the end of December winding down and no major snow storms.

This Past Wednesday I hit the towpath with fellow Ultra runner Clyde Ferguson and knocked off a 25 mile loop of the Beast. We started off at 7 am and the weather wasn't to bad with a little snow and a breeze. Half way through the winds picked up and the snow started blowing making it very cold. The winds will be the trump card with this race because it gets like a wind tunnel on the canal. We started out feeling over dressed and finished feeling under dressed.

Christmas morning I met with Clyde, Bob and Sherri for a early morning run. They did 8 and I grabbed a 10 miler knowing the kids were waiting for me to open gifts.

Saturday morning I had planned on doing a loop plus a few more. It was raining out and in the mid 30's. I cranked up the treadmill and could only do 10 miles before it drove me crazy.

Today I hit the towpath at 6:45 am looking to knock off some big mileage. Everything was frosted or iced over so the towpath surface was almost perfect. The running surface is made up of crushed stone. It felt like a freshly rolled cinder track. I headed east to Medina NY where I found some great sight seeing. The canal opens up really wide where I don't think you could throw a stone across it. There is a nice walkway that takes you by this waterfalls feeding into a creek. It looked more like a river. I turned around at 12.5 miles and headed back. I was feeling great until I was 4 miles out and my energy started to fail. I need to take more fuel with me on long runs. My legs felt great but I just started to feel weak.

So that's my latest update and I got in 70 miles this week.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

69 days to go!

I really haven't had anything to report until today. This has been my rest and recovery week and I enjoyed the benefits these past couple of days.

I cutback my running since last saturday early evening. I did a couple of 5 milers on Tues. & Thurs. and increased my weight lifting and stretching. My lifting has been at 5 am and I'm shooting to work one body part once a week.

I did a 20 miler yesterday on the treadmill finishing up at 6:30 pm and started my second 20 miler by 8:30 am. So I ended up with 40 miles within 18 hours. I'm extremely happy because I'm sitting here painfree and gaining confidence.

The conditions on the towpath were very good. There was a little snow and the crushed stone was as hard as concrete. I've been curious on how cold my feet will get so I tried to run in the snow as much as possible. They never once were even chilled. Hopefully that is one less thing to overthink. I will use gaiters over my shoes.

The temps were in the low to mid 20's and a some slight wind blowing. I train on the towpath and it doesn't take much to make it a wind tunnel.

I found out today that power walking on snow does not work ! I was better off walking normal.

So that's my latest.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Beast of Burden loop

Sam met me at the zero marker on the towpath.

I was originally planning to do the loop on Sunday but tomorrow's forecast is calling for freezing rain. The starting temps were in the low 30's with a light breeze and sunshine. It was tough to figure out how to dress. I thought at the start I had under dressed but 5 miles into the run I was pulling my hat off and down to one layer of gloves.

We reached the turn around and did a little exploring of Middleport. This is where a major aid station will be set up.There seems to be a couple of options Sam is working on. One has access to bathrooms and a tent set up outside. Second is using the Middleport fire hall which is my choice. The town has a couple of cafes, pizzeria and a bar. The volunteers and crews will have everything they need.

We did the turn around and headed back, at mile 15 I started to bonk. Cramps and fatique started to set in. I ate a mocha gel, drank some muscle milk, ate 3 advil and washed it all down with gatorade. 2 miles later I was back into the groove and I finished strong. This only proves how little I know about my running nutrition. I'll be playing around with this until I get it right.

I have 53 miles in and tomorrow I'll just do some wash out running and walking.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

More nasty WNY weather

We got lucky here in Niagara county and only have a dusting of snow. The winds have been non-stop crazy. Ten miles south of us they had white outs all day.
I did the smart thing and stayed indoors on the treadmill. I knocked off another 10 miles giving me 30 so far this week. I'm still hoping the weather lets me knock off one loop of the B of B.
I think my cardio is about the same as when I did Oil Creek in October.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

80 Days

Wow! The weather is crazy! Sounds like a hurricane out there!! A little snow on the ground. This makes paw clean up real easy. Maybe someday I can quit being a whimp and run outside.
I did another 10 miler tonight and I'm shooting for big numbers this week. It looks like the weather will be ok to grab a long one this weekend. I want to do the Beast of Burden loop.
This high mileage stuff really makes it hard to follow a good diet. I need to get a grip.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

10 miler

Knocked off a late night 10 miler on the treadmill watching The Biggest Loser. Sounds like the weather is going to get windy, wet and white.
Tomorrow is hump day and it's looking more and more like I'll have the last 2 weeks off in Dec. I can really log some good miles and get my lifting back on track.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Long run on the treadmill

I did my long run of 20 miles on the treadmill. I was hoping for 25 but my legs were still tired from my 10 yesterday. My total this week equaled last weeks 50.

I got a late start today due to a stiff back. I cleaned out my basement yesterday and carried a hot water tank up the stairs. I'm 100% sure that that was the culprit.

The best part about running on the treadmill is I could watch football thru the 20 miles. I'm hoping to bump it up next week.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

84 days till The Beast of Burden

I did a total of 10 miles today. This morning on the snow and ice I did a 5 miler and tonight I whimped out and finished on the treadmill. I'm hoping to catch a 25 miler tomorrow to finish out the week.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Another 10 miler in the garage

Wow! I finally figured out how to keep my treadmill from bogging down. I found that sweet spot where I can run as fast as I want. I haven't done 7's in a while. The garage temps must have been in the high 30's so it took a while to sweat. I did a good 10 tonight. I might shoot for mid 50's this week.
The Bills are on right now taking on the Jets.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Easy hump day

Easy day of work and a easy day of lifting and stretching. I ordered a couple of magazines from . UltraRunning and TrailRunner for a early xmas present to myself.
Weather right now is raining hard and is suppose to get cold overnight. I'll probably do tomorrow's run on the treadmill.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tired Tuesday

I've been out of it all day. Staying up and watching the Saints kick the hoodies butt was worth it.
The snow didn't stay to long but more is on the way!
I ran in the garage tonight doing a slow to fast 10 miler. My treadmill is on the brink of being wheeled out front for the garbage men. It kept on stalling when I would increase the speed and then I would back it down and sneak it back up until it stalled. I finally found a sweet spot on the right side of the running deck that wouldn't effect it. My 10 milers are getting easier and easier.
I have to figure my running schedule for the rest of week and plan on doing it on some snow.